What You Need To Know About Anorexic Nervosa?
- Anorexia nervosa’ means ‘loss of appetite for nervous reasons
- Involves excessive dieting and weight loss
- Obsessed with being thin.
- Believe they are fat even though they are thin.
- Anorexia nervosa occurs in 1% to 5% of the population.
- About 90% to 95% are females between ages 13 and 30. However, anorexia nervosa can also occur in males and people of all ages.
What You Need To Know About Anorexic Nervosa?
- Anorexia nervosa’ means ‘loss of appetite for nervous reasons
- Involves excessive dieting and weight loss
- Obsessed with being thin.
- Believe they are fat even though they are thin.
- Anorexia nervosa occurs in 1% to 5% of the population.
- About 90% to 95% are females between ages 13 and 30. However, anorexia nervosa can also occur in males and people of all ages.
Famous People Died of Anorexia
Ana Carolina Reston: Brazilian model, who was 172cm tall and only weighed 40kg starved herself to death in 2006.
Margaux Hemingway: actress, model, suffered with bulimia

Heidi Guenthe: A ballet dancer, After being told by a theater company that at 5’5″ in height and 96 lbs in weight she was too chunky, she developed an eating disorder. She collapsed and died at the age of 22 due to complications from her eating disorder.

Maiara Galvao Vieira: A 14 year-old who weighed only 38kg was in the hospital for over a month, after having been in three other public hospitals and no one being able to diagnose te disease.

Eliana Ramos: having only to eat apples and tomatoes died at age of 21. Her grandmother found her dead in her bedroom.

Luisel Ramos: She was reported to have only lettuce leaves and diet coke three months before her death. She died of heart failure caused by anorexia nervosa.
Ways to stay slim and healthy
- Exercise Daily: this is the best way to stay thin. Exercise for about 15-30mins a day, doing any exercise that you enjoy most. Walking, jogging, yoga, swimming…etc.
- Always eat breakfast: Experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast will eventually add extra calories to your body as you will end up binge eating more in the middle of the day.
- Switch to brown bread or whole wheat bread instead of white bread
- Start your lunch or dinner with a bowl of low calorie soup. So that you will not overeat later
- Avoid eating in front of television. You tend to eat more without your knowledge
- Reduce the intake of white food stuffs from your diet such as rice, sugar and salt
- Drink plenty of water. Drinking eight glasses of water is said to be healthy
- Instead of two large meals start eating three small meals a day
Skinny Girls are sexy